Monday, June 27, 2011

The Joke That We Play On The World by Joshua S. Porter

I just have to say that this is the MOST amazing book ever written!
If you are a bread-head then I suggest you read this book… RIGHT NOW!
Joshua Porter writes all about the history thus far of the band Showbread. He entertains with insane tales from the life of the band that will make you giggle out loud, and make everyone around you feel uncomfortable, but hey, that is what Showbread aims for! =P
            This book made me appreciate them as a band even more, revealing their heart and true intentions. If you have only heard a few hit songs by them like “Mouth Like A Magazine” then I suggest you look deeper into them, maybe even read this book for more insight about how on fire they are for God.
            Words can not fully express what this book has done to and for me. It has made me feel sane in a world that aims to make me feel like a freak, it has made me realize that it is ok to be controversial and talk about the things other Christians shy away from. It just left me with this feeling, a feeling that can’t really be described, but a feeling that made me perfectly fine with being the crazy person I am, and content with myself, and most importantly it left me feeling closer to my creator.
            This book made me fall even deeper in love with this band and their mission to share the gospel, be it in the most unconventional way known to Christian-kind, back to the days of chanting “Zay Zay Zay” whilst banging their heads on the floor, to the current mesmerizing lightshows.  I know they have impacted my life, and I am sure many others. Not caring what the world thinks and living a life for God, because nothing matters anymore.
             I am sorry for the slightly scatter-brained review, I am just so excited about this book that I didn’t know how to go about it, and I wanted to tell the stories from it, but also I didn’t want to give anything away.  I hope I encouraged you to read it!
It is worth the money. I borrowed it from a friend, so I did not get to see the 300+ pictures it came with as a download, but I defiantly plan on buying my own copy! It is only available at Joshua Porter’s Web Store

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